Isabelle Kline joined Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School and the Class of 2020 in fourth grade. The tennis and basketball player also is a part of Recycling Club and has joined a Drama production or two. We hear more about Kline from our guest writer former Laker English teacher, Ms. Duhaime:
“You’ll always know when Isabelle is around. She lights up a room with her smile, her positive energy, her humor, and her contagious laughter. I count myself blessed to have been able to be both her teacher and her friend. Isabelle is one of the sweetest, most honest, and caring people I’ve ever met.
Academically, Isabelle is persistent and hardworking, but I’ve always admired Isabelle for her other talents, both athletic and musical. I’ll never forget convincing her to take on more than one role in OLL’s production of Annie, one of which included a solo. She takes on challenges and surpasses expectations.
I’m so proud of Isabelle and the young woman she has become over the last four years. I know that she is going to be successful at CMU and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her.”
What college will you be attending?
Central Michigan University
What is your major?
Describe yourself in one word:
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A preschool teacher with a cute family
Who is your favorite saint?
St. Theresa
What will you miss most about Lakes?
Mrs. Gainey
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I like lasagna
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Never take moments with your friends for granted. You never know when those moments will end.
Kline’s first Laker school photo