This past March, we gathered in prayer as we followed the Passion of Christ as seen through the eyes of Mary, our mother, in Mary’s Way of the Cross. A reception followed and interest was gathered to begin a women’s group that will foster friendships and enhance camaraderie through our deepening faith in Jesus Christ as we work together to address areas of ministry in the parish in need of assistance. We are ready to move into action and invite ALL WOMEN IN THE PARISH to an informational meeting with wine and cheese on September 28, at 7:00p.m. in St. Joseph’s Hall. Your thoughts and ideas will be welcomed and no matter if you are a “Mary” or a “Martha”, we need you to help our parish grow in service, love of God and joy in making a positive difference in someone’s life. Whatever time and talent you are able to give, will be greatly appreciated. Please join us! To RSVP, call Jean at the Parish Office 248-623-0274.