In the vestibule of the church you will find several different lists of items that we will be collecting during Lent this year. All lists are available to download here. Shop your list and return your items by Sunday, March 28, 2021.
We thank you for your help to reach out to those in need through the following agencies:
CCRT provides Christian, compassionate relief to the impoverished and disadvantaged in Oakland County. CCRT offers direct referrals and support to those in crisis situations. In addition, they try to offer assistance with immediate physical and household needs. We are collecting personal hygiene products as well as household cleaning products to assist CCRT.
The mission of HOPE is to provide a place for people struggling with homelessness where they will be welcomed, find warmth and have access to support services. We are collecting breakfast food items as well as monetary donations to provide breakfast to those in the shelter for at least a week. The monetary donations will be used to provide perishable items for the breakfast bags.
The pantry of Holy Redeemer helps the underprivileged and disadvantaged in southwest Detroit. The church pantry offers assistance with immediate physical needs. We will be collecting personal hygiene items to help as well as socks and gloves to support Holy Redeemer.
Operation Rice Bowl is the official Lenten program for Catholic Relief Services. Operation Rice Bowl has called Catholics in the United States to promote human dignity and fosters solidarity with the poor in the United States and around the world through prayer, fasting, learning and giving during the Lenten Season. We are collecting cash donations for this charity. Containers for Operation Rice Bowl can be found in the back of the church or donate online here.
Check out all shopping lists here
We are collecting hams this year for Easter baskets for the Jail and Outreach ministry. Donations for the ham or a monetary contribution are due by Monday, March 29th to the parish office.